Tuesday, July 27, 2010

july 2010

I was about to congratulate myself on beating my December deadline when I realised that I have missed December 2009 altogether. Whoops ... :-)

I am not going to make any promises.

I am not going to promise remorse.

I am not going to promise rehabilitation.

I am just going to say hi!

It has been a long time. Too long really. But those who know me will know that that is nothing new.

So ... what is new? I have a new job. I live in a new state. I have an new phone and a new computer. I bought a new bike last month - a little Honda CB 400. Its not going to set ant land speed records, but I am really enjoying riding again.

That is not the most illuminating I know. I am still not sure what I want to do with this blog. I kind of like the idea of keeping it anonymous. But that would mean keeping it rather ... generic.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

december 2008

The blog is dead according to a more net savvy friend. Mine is certainly pretty close to being so. Facebook apparently rules now. Not sure about that myself. Never having been much of an early adopter, I have only just signed up for a Facebook page this last week.

Not sure what I am going to do with this blog at the moment. I was considering making it a place to unload some of the random thoughts that drift around in my brain. Not sure what interest they would have for anyone, however.

We shall see.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

december 2007

It seems that some people do still occasionally drop by. I shall have to do better by them in the future.

Once more I am back in the job market. I sent of a couple of letters of interest the other day. Its been years since I did that. Two of the properties are fairly close, only an hour or two out of town. One of them is a horse property. They didn't specify anything more, I suspect its an adjistment property. Use of the property facilities goes with the position. I wonder if that includes the horses? If not, I shall have to look into getting one. Assuming that I go work there, and I am not holding my breath. I'm probably won't be the most qualified person applying. So I have to rely on my 'good looks and charm'. I expect to be unemployed for a while.

I did have a plan. I was going to buy an old motorcycle, strip it down and rebuild it. I figured it would keep me busy through Christmas and new Year. Then I could get on with getting a job. The idea met with a less than enthusiastic response at home. No real surprise there. I could just do it anyway, but considering I am living at home and would need the garage, I decided on a change in plan. Get a job, get my own place, then do it. Its a bit sad really, I had found a really nice Kawasaki GT 750.

I have started the process of catching up with friends. I have spoken to a few others by email. So far they remember who I am. Hopefully I shall be able to catch up with them before the Christmas madness starts. But meanwhile, I still find myself with more time on my hands than is good for me. I have been reading a fair bit, and doing some writing. But I need something to get me out of the house. There is a old wall unit, dresser, pantry ... something out in the garage awaiting restoration. It has been there for years. I think that I will get on to that.

aka thotd

Saturday, November 24, 2007

november 2007

Well, I'm back in the city again and once more unemployed. Still, I enjoyed my time on the farm and when the whole Christmas/New Year thing is over, I may see what other opportunities are out there. Perhaps this time somewhere with horses.

Meanwhile, I have some things I want to do that should keep me busy and out of doors. Hopefully I have saved enough pennies to be able to afford to do it. I really should also contact my friends and let them know that I am back in town. I doubt that many of them still visit here. Especially as I have been so remiss in doing so myself.

aka thotd.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

april 2007

Well, I'm back on the farm. The Lada made it here relatively painlessly. This time I pushed along at a hundred and the car seemed keen enough. But there are still too many strange noises for my peace of mind. Fingers crossed none of them are important. If you are planning on telling me to get a new car, then you will need to get in line :)

The weather has taken a turn for the worse, or better, depending on your point of view. The rain is good for the pasture, obviously. But its not really much fun working outside when its raining. Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on your point of view, the showers don't last long and and are not so heavy.

Other than that, the last couple of days have been quite good. I have managed to finish work by six, six thirty. Which means ten, ten and a half hour days rather than the twelve, thirteen hour days that I, well everyone really, was doing before I left. By the time February drew to a close, I was pretty much spent. I don't want to go there again.

March was much easier. I slept in. I stayed up late watching TV and surfing. I did a bit of work on the car. I did a bit of work around my sister's place. Its starting to come along nicely. She is getting her floors polished some time this month, which means the house has to be emptied. I'm not sure that she really realises how much work she got herself in for. And I did a bit of writing. Quite a bit more than I have done recently. But it was hard work. Its going to take much more discipline than I have shown so far if I want to make anything of this.

And that's about it really. Sad but true.

I have some thoughts I want to put down at some point, but perhaps they can wait for next time. So until then.


Monday, February 26, 2007

march 2007

Two more days and I am heading home for a while. The Lada's head gasket has been replaced, again, the oil flushed and changed and the fan belt replaced. I would like to have rebuilt the water pump and checked the thermostat, and installed a fan cowling. But that will have to wait until I get the car home and into the shed. Its only 400 km. Fingers crossed.

I will probably be back in town for about three weeks. Enough time to meet up with some friends, do the above as well as check the brakes and clutch, do a little body work, pump out 20,000 words or so, download all the pod casts that I missed while living in dial up hell, load a few more albums into the computer, and, perhaps, catch up with a stray friend.

But first on the list is sleep in for a day or two. And do some washing. And sleep some more.


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

nothing comes to mind

There are times in my life when I feel a long way from anyone. I had a few when I was in Japan. I used to wind up the stereo, lie on the floor, stare at the ceiling and let the music wash over me. The floor is the best place to be when you are feeling lonely. The Bad Loves and the Cruel Sea have been long time companions during times like this. Jack Johnson and Maroon 5 more recent ones.

If a person's life is measured by the impact that they have one the lives of others, at these times I wonder if my life will amount to any more a ripple on storm swept ocean. Usually I deal with it with a stiff upper lip and a cup of tea. Or coffee. Or a beer. Or more.

One thing to be said for times like this are that they can motivate you to do things, or say things that you would usually keep locked away inside. If I were a better person, I wouldn't need to find myself is such a pensive mod before being willing to let down the walls a little. If I were a better person I would be a very different person.

If wishes were fishes, pigs would fly.

I once told a old friend of mine that happiness is an illusion. All the other emotions - fear, anger, despair, grief, sorrow and regret - were real. But happiness was a lie. I was such a fool. I wish I could catch up with her to tell her so. But then, perhaps she already knows.
